By Brian Bloxom, ChFEBCSM Working at one job from college graduation to retirement is no longer the norm. Most people these days will have several employers throughout their working years. With the rate that many Americans now change jobs, (1) having multiple employer-sponsored retirement …
Our 2022 Mid-Year Market Update
By Brian Bloxom, ChFEBCSM We thought things would have calmed down by now, but the volatility of the 2020s just won’t quit. In fact, it seems as if it’s the new norm. From a global pandemic and historic inflation to an unparalleled housing market and a war in Ukraine, it’s hard to believe we’re …
You’ve Inherited Money, Now What Should You Do?
By Brian Bloxom, ChFEBCSM There isn’t an experience more bittersweet than receiving an inheritance. On the one hand, you are being gifted money or assets that could change your financial situation or build a stronger safety net. On the other hand, you are likely still grieving and the inheritance …