By Brian Bloxom, ChFEBCSM Inflation is an insidious villain, silently stealing our money’s purchasing power every day. We may not notice our loss until much later, perhaps when there’s a little less in our checking account than the month before, or when our weekly groceries only fill up three …
How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably?
By Brian Bloxom, ChFEBCSM How do you picture your retirement? Is it lying on a sunny beach sipping piña coladas? Or maybe it’s traveling around the world, or working on your garden at home and spending time with your grandkids? The point is, your retirement is unique to you. So how much …
Don’t Let Your Emotions Control Your Wealth
By Brian Bloxom, ChFEBCSM People often make common money mistakes not because they can’t handle their finances but because they struggle to control their feelings about money. In theory, being successful with money is about using logical principles. If you think logically about things like …